
Getting predictable results in unpredictable times is all about effective leadership, aligned executive team, and a strong advisory board or board all ensuring execution excellence.

In turbulent times you can't afford to take your eye off of key goals. Too many organizations have no goals to speak of, that is no one can speak to them because no one really knows what they are.

Accelerating performance requires your executive team's objectives to be aligned and monitored with a few key metrics. Keeping score of important milestones is also critical. Savvy leaders know there are two types of measurements to watch lagging metrics and leading metrics (your key performance indicators or KPIs). High-performing executive teams have simple goals with clear targets and strong follow-through. All team members know what to do and they execute precisely.

We can help align your executive team

  • Clarifying the business strategy, direction and priorities
  • Ensuring they understand and align with your #1 business objectivelives
  • identifying critical outcome objectives and associated leading and lagging KPIs
  • leading 90-day accountability reviews with your executive team
  • confronting ego, selfish and ethical/integrity behavior

We can align your executive teams plans and optimize results

  • working through disagreements on what is important
  • deciding what work to STOP doing
  • deciding where to invest
  • preparing contingency plans

We can assist your executive team in improving efficiency and effectiveness

  • leveraging the power of marketing
  • simplifying end-to-end business processes
  • establishing a Project Management Office for coordinating IT and businesses units
  • driving a business improvement program for going from good to great

Contact Us for an "Executive Team Alignment" consultation.